About Me…

My earliest memory of school is getting there really early and my friendĀ from kindy and I playing with your fluoro yellow curly shoelaces. I remember thinking she had the coolest shoes has they had Minnie Mouse on the sides on them.


I learn best when/by I am either collaborating with others by talking and creating new ideas, or in complete silence and taking lots of notes.

My worst trait is my small scale indecisiveness. I will download the menu on the way to every restaurant so I can get a head start on making a choice. It really annoys people.

My best trait is

I often wonder what it would be like to see Earth from space and feel really small and insignificant.

The hardest thing I’ve ever done was move interstate and be away from my family.

The last possession I would give up is my Harry Potter audio books.

This term I am looking forward to meeting all the new students and getting to know them.

What image would you put on a postcard of Melbourne? Why?

Which Melbourne person would you most like to sit next to on the tram? Why?

If you could invite any 3 people from history to dinner who would you invite? Why?

Describe Melbourne in three words.